
Missing Children Profiles

for digital signage

:10 Per graphic


About the Missing Children Profiles App

Screenfeed is partnered with NCMEC to provide a free feed that displays profiles for missing children based on a defined city or zip code. Content updates as soon as new profiles are released.

:10 Per graphic

:10 Per graphic



Works without sound

Works without sound

About the Missing Children Profiles App

Screenfeed is partnered with NCMEC to provide a free feed that displays profiles for missing children based on a defined city or zip code. Content updates as soon as new profiles are released.

About the Missing Children Profiles App

Screenfeed is partnered with NCMEC to provide a free feed that displays profiles for missing children based on a defined city or zip code. Content updates as soon as new profiles are released.

What’s Included In This App

Free-Forever. We don't want any barriers for this great cause. We are all-in. All we need is your screens. Will you join us? Save :10, Save a Child.



Location Intro

Missing Child Profile

Call to Action

Size Formats

Media RSS, Direct URL, or FTP

Delivery Options

MRSS, Direct URL, and animated HTML

Update Frequency

Refreshed every 15 minutes.

Customize or Make It Your Own

Before After

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