
Local Traffic Routes

for digital signage

0:10–0:15 Per graphic

0:10–1:00 Loop Fill

About the Local Traffic Routes App

Local traffic routes display real-time traffic conditions every 15 minutes. Automatically adjusted to KPH or MPH depending on location.

Follow this link to see where traffic routes are available.

0:10–0:15 Per graphic

0:10–0:15 Per graphic

0:10–1:00 Loop Fill

0:10–1:00 Loop Fill

KPH or MPH Automatically localized

KPH or MPH Automatically localized

About the Local Traffic Routes App

Local traffic routes display real-time traffic conditions every 15 minutes. Automatically adjusted to KPH or MPH depending on location.

Follow this link to see where traffic routes are available.

About the Local Traffic Routes App

Local traffic routes display real-time traffic conditions every 15 minutes. Automatically adjusted to KPH or MPH depending on location.

Follow this link to see where traffic routes are available.

What’s Included In This App



Minimalist Theme

Current Traffic Conditions

Size Formats

Media RSS, Direct URL, or FTP

Delivery Options

MRSS, Direct URL, and animated HTML

Update Frequency

Refreshed every 15 minutes.

Customize or Make It Your Own

Before After

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