
Flight Board

for digital signage

Localized to Airport Code

Updates Every 5 Min

About the Flight Board App

Flight board provides important updates about arrivals, departures and North American delays based on a certain area or airport. Choose to display current flights, or display a set number of hours ahead or behind to show what flights are coming up or what flights have already came in. Data updates every 5 minutes.

Localized to Airport Code

Localized to Airport Code

Updates Every 5 Min

Updates Every 5 Min

Works Without Audio

Works Without Audio

About the Flight Board App

Flight board provides important updates about arrivals, departures and North American delays based on a certain area or airport. Choose to display current flights, or display a set number of hours ahead or behind to show what flights are coming up or what flights have already came in. Data updates every 5 minutes.

About the Flight Board App

Flight board provides important updates about arrivals, departures and North American delays based on a certain area or airport. Choose to display current flights, or display a set number of hours ahead or behind to show what flights are coming up or what flights have already came in. Data updates every 5 minutes.

What’s Included In This App




Show departing aircraft from your chosen airport

Size Formats

Available in 16:9 and 9:16. HTML display will adjust to various zone sizes but it will look best in those ratios.

Delivery Options

MRSS, Direct URL, and animated HTML

Update Frequency

Refreshed every 15 minutes.

Customize or Make It Your Own

Customize the color using the color picker or hex codes. Configure your data to show an hour in the past, four hours ahead of time, or anytime in between

Before After

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