
Clock & Date

Customizable clock and date based on player locale or chosen timezone

Set to any size

Completely customizable

Clock and date templates in Connect allow for a easy to customize HTML clock and date that can be set to either your player locale, or to a set timezone.

Use the template as design for an easy way to spin up an html clock and date app. Customize fonts, colors and other design elements in Connect. Set conditional design changes using the Connect feature conditions.

Set to any size

Set to any size

Completely customizable

Completely customizable

Conditional design changes

Conditional design changes

Clock and date templates in Connect allow for a easy to customize HTML clock and date that can be set to either your player locale, or to a set timezone.

Use the template as design for an easy way to spin up an html clock and date app. Customize fonts, colors and other design elements in Connect. Set conditional design changes using the Connect feature conditions.

Clock and date templates in Connect allow for a easy to customize HTML clock and date that can be set to either your player locale, or to a set timezone.

Use the template as design for an easy way to spin up an html clock and date app. Customize fonts, colors and other design elements in Connect. Set conditional design changes using the Connect feature conditions.

What’s Included In This App



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Customize or Make It Your Own

Clock and date shows the time and date at your chosen location or player location. This app is a Connect template and can be modified to connect to additional external data sources and conditional design changes can be applied.

Before After

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